1 What have you been doing this week?

  • Made with the mentors, a form to collect information on the target users of the software that was used in an event of the NIF (Neuroimaging facility of Australia)
  • Studied how REST and RPC APIs worked.
  • Did the fastapi tutorial to start the web API of sovabids
  • Implemented an early stage version of the RPC API for the software.
  • Did the proposal for the new possible format of the rules file

2 What are you planning to do next week?

  • Evaluate the feedback from the NIF event
  • Improve the RPC API.
  • Make a function to infer the path pattern from an example
  • keep cleaning the code
  • finish the logging functionality

3 Is anything blocking your progress?

Well, my university started classes already, so now is going to be hard to maintain the same rhythm of development I did previously. Rather than doing 4 hours a day from monday to friday. I will have to do 2 and a half hours a day from monday to friday and do de 6 hours left on the weekend.