1 What have you been doing this week?
- Splitting the utils module so that it was not a “big ball of mud”
- Online meeting with the mentors about the current issues of sovabids
- An early-stage implementation of the logging functionality
- Fixed a bug with the test I did involving the online web bids validator
- Designed a workflow which may make possible to do conversions without the user explicitly making the rules file
- Designed a possible format for the rules file that would take more advantage of metadata sources
2 What are you planning to do next week?
- keep cleaning the code
- finish the logging functionality
- make a function to infer the path pattern from an example
- make a function to infer what channels where retyped from an example
- do a proposal for the new possible format of the rules file
- do a tutorial of fastapi to start the web API of sovabids
3 Is anything blocking your progress?
With the web api, mainly my lack of experience with it.