1 What have you been doing this week?

  • Implemented Sphinx documentation at https://sovabids.readthedocs.io/ (took a lot of the work of this week)
  • Reimplemented the sovabids plugin for the bidscoin (sova2coin) (was too hacky before)
  • Remade the sovabids-bidscoin example in sphinx
  • Made a PR in bidscoin which was accepted https://github.com/Donders-Institute/bidscoin/pull/94
  • Tried to do a little documentation PR in sphinx https://github.com/sphinx-gallery/sphinx-gallery/pull/845

For this friday and weekend

  • Make documentation for the “Mapping File”
  • Improve the current API documentation (the examples are good but the functions documentation still lacks, it should also be in the sphinx syntax)

2 What are you planning to do next week?

High Priority

  • Improve the architecture of the software (basically preventing the utils module from being a big ball of mud)
  • Design a possible API for connecting the software with a GUI (take inspiration in the plugin made for sovabids)
  • Discuss with the mentors the design of the DISCOVER RULES functionality (Im not even sure if it is needed, what bidscoin knows as “heuristics” are actually what we already call “rules”).

If there is time, work in these would-be-nice features

  • Implement a logger for sovabids
  • Implement a validator for the rules file
  • Implement error handling in the current code

3 Is anything blocking your progress?

Not particularly